Your Home – Involving the Family in DIY Projects

Your Home & DIY ProjectsSchool is back in session, and if you have kids, you’re probably more concerned with providing the necessary signatures to syllabi and helping with homework than you are with the condition of your home. Still, those do-it-yourself projects lurk in the back of your mind as you wonder when and how you will get it all done.

Rather than hiring out the lingering tasks, why not save stress and money by carving out a few hours each weekend to tackle the DIY projects with your family as your team of weekend warriors? The key here is to plan it out by breaking the task into smaller projects (versus a complete remodel) where everyone can assist so you build your team and learn that working together on your home can be fun.

Projects such as replacing or painting kitchen cabinets, or even painting your front door will require more than a few weekend hours, so it’s important to recognize the depth and time considerations of your project before starting. Perhaps you could tackle a gardening project together, from planting grass seed or flowers to creating a vegetable garden. You may find that repairing or repainting a well-loved chair and using your helpers to create a new look by rearranging artwork and furnishings revitalizes an entire room of you home. Painting an entire room can make a huge difference in your home and, under the right circumstances could be considered a weekend project, as well. If that seems too big of a step, try creating a piece of art together for display in your home, instead. Click here for some great ideas that can be created with children in mind.

No matter what small project you choose, the key is to get it done while having fun and enjoying your time together. By working together and accomplishing something in your home, you’ll have a visual reminder of the time you spent together for years to come. For more super handy DIY tips on small home repairs and a variety of “I never knew thats”, click here. And if you want even better tips relating to real estate and your home, give me a call.

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