More Than Just Another Transaction!
Founded with Elder Law Attorney Judith M. Flynn in July 2009, Judy & I set out to “improve” the sales process, not only making the process easier and more accessible for older adults and special needs clients, but really for all buyers and sellers facing their own individual Milestone.
We adopted a unique approach early on, recognizing that focusing on the person as much as the property is critical. The Milestones Method dictates each client’s wants and needs be taken into account in a holistic, comprehensive manner.
Now that I own and manage Milestones Realty, this approach neatly integrates with my dedication and core values. Our team relies on an exclusive network of trusted professionals with whom we collaborate to address all of the client’s needs.
In addition, our experience with probate, guardianship and divorce issues, allows the Milestones Team to protect our clients when court authority is pending and the rest of the real estate world just doesn’t understand why their clients’ can’t sign the agreements as presented.
We are experts in selling the family home especially in AS-IS condition and are particularly deft in working with the Silent Generation.
Thanks for listening,