According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly one quarter of employed Americans work from home. Innovations in technology coupled with a changing economy have made it easier than ever to do your job from the comfort of your own home. And while working from home is often more convenient for most people, it can be somewhat of a challenge when it comes time to sell your home. If you are a telecommuter getting ready to put your home on the market, here are our best tips for navigating the process.
Set up parameters for showing times
One of the realities of selling your home is that ideally it should be ready for appointments at a moment’s notice. This may not always be possible if you work from home. Be clear with your real estate agent from the beginning about any restrictions you may need to place on showings and open houses. Request that you be given at least 30 minutes notice before a prospective buyer shows up, or ask that your home only be shown at certain times of the day. This gives you time to plan in case you need to vacate while you’re working. While your agent may not be able to accommodate you every time, you will be inconvenienced less frequently.
Make adjustments to your workload or workspace
If you are interrupted while you are working, have a contingency plan in place. Do you have any work that can be completed in advance? If so, try to use your free time to get ahead on work. This way, if you have to step away for an hour or two during the day you won’t be missing any deadlines. Does your work require that you be at home? If not, find a local coffee shop or library with Wi-Fi so that you can relocate easily during the day when needed. If those kinds of public spaces have too many distractions, considering temporarily renting a spot in a co-working space.
Keep your workspace tidy
This should go without saying, but when you’re showing your home, it needs to be spotless. This goes for your workspace too – which may be tough for those of you who thrive with a messy desk. Every morning before you begin work, and every evening at the end of the workday, take a few minutes to clean. Organize papers, tidy your desk, wipe down surfaces, clear away dishes and cups from lunch and sweep or vacuum the floor. Although you are actively working in the space, it needs to have the appearance of being neutral. Remember, you want potential buyers to be able to imagine themselves in your home. Don’t make it harder for them by leaving evidence of your workday behind you.
Take time off
While it may not always be possible, if you have some flexibility in your work schedule, why not take some time off? This gives you the time and space you need to focus on getting your home sold quickly, and it will save your work from constant interruptions. After all, isn’t flexibility with scheduling one of the greatest perks of working from home? Use it to your advantage during what can be a hectic time.
Compliments of Virtual Results